Teaching Stream

Classic preaching from the eternal Word powered by Rejoice Radio


Time Title Speaker
12:00 AM Testing With Purpose Pastor Jeff Redlin
12:40 AM Lessons Learned from a Suffering Lady Pastor Ernie Merritt
1:02 AM The Normal Christian Life Pastor Jim Schettler
1:32 AM Enjoying the Journey Scott Pauley
1:42 AM A Sermon by Mullenix Dr. Joel Mullenix
2:16 AM The Poor In Spirit Dr. Karl Stelzer
2:46 AM What's Your Burden Pastor Denis McBride
3:25 AM Glory in God's Work Dr. Tim Zacharias
4:04 AM Thanking God for the Shepherd Pastor Jeff Redlin
4:36 AM When Exclamation Points Become Question Marks Jon Lands
5:08 AM The Opportunity of Importunity Pastor Jim Schettler
5:45 AM Having a New Heart Jerald Manley
6:24 AM My Beloved is Mine and I His Dr. Joel Mullenix
7:01 AM To Be a Refresher Richard Wallace
7:28 AM Good Success Rob Redlin
8:13 AM Enjoying the Journey Scott Pauley
8:24 AM When God Called Moses Pastor Denis McBride
8:56 AM Strength for Life James Johnson
8:58 AM Building a Life that's Worthwhile Dr. Raymond Barber
9:29 AM The All Of Agape Pastor Jeff Redlin
10:02 AM Why Did Jesus Preach On Hell To His Disciples Dr. Dale Adkins
10:33 AM The Peace Offering Pastor Jim Schettler
10:58 AM Three Things to Remember Pastor Matt Teis
11:32 AM My Help Cometh from the Lord Dr. Joel Mullenix
12:04 PM Why Are You Here Dr. Jody Wolf
12:36 PM When God Raised His Voice Pastor Denis McBride
1:12 PM Are You An Intercesso Kwame Selver
1:40 PM Heaven's Reward Dr. Tim Zacharias
2:17 PM Enjoying the Journey Scott Pauley
2:28 PM The Bookends Of Humility Pastor Jeff Redlin
3:02 PM What God Calls Awesome Ray McCormick
3:32 PM The Proven Word of God Pastor Jim Schettler
4:07 PM To Get There From Here Shane Lewis
4:36 PM My Lord and My God Dr. Joel Mullenix
5:10 PM How To Kill a Lion in a Pit on a Snowy Day Ken Fielder
5:40 PM When Jesus Prayed Pastor Denis McBride
6:16 PM Strength for Life James Johnson
6:17 PM Trusting the God of the Impossible Richard Coyle
6:44 PM The Christians Purpose Pastor Jeff Redlin
7:22 PM Help Me! Dr. Clyde Box
8:05 PM Living in the Suburbs of Forgiveness Dr. Johnny Pope
8:51 PM Enjoying the Journey Scott Pauley
9:02 PM The Restoration of Peter Pastor Jim Schettler
9:36 PM The Reason For Missions Matt Allen
10:07 PM My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord Dr. Joel Mullenix
10:47 PM Strength for Life James Johnson
10:48 PM Lessons Learned from a Suffering Lady Pastor Ernie Merritt
11:10 PM When You Feel Defeated Pastor Denis McBride
11:44 PM The Love of Chris Kwame Selver

Comment from Lauretta from Minnesota

“Thank you so much for the great Christian programming (such as 'Thru the Bible', 'Into His Likeness', 'Unshackled', and 'Adventures in Odyssey') and music (southern gospel and choral). I find it all so uplifting and encouraging. ”


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